Chaos to Confidence: 4 Steps to Mastering Your Personal Style

Picture this: you’re a multitasking woman, managing both your family and your career. You stand before your overflowing wardrobe, feeling overwhelmed by choices, and think, “I have nothing to wear that’s comfortable and suitable for work and play.” This scenario resonates with many women who find themselves pulled in multiple directions. It’s not just about…

Mixing levels of refinement to create a smart casual outfit

How to Look Smart Without Being Too Formal or Feeling Overdressed

Have you ever faced the dilemma of wanting to look smart and put-together without crossing the line into overly formal territory? It’s a common concern, and striking the right balance can make all the difference in how you present yourself. So, how do you master the art of looking polished and stylish without feeling like…

Draw attention to your face using focal points by glasses and jewellery

Redirecting Focus: Clever Ways to Embrace Your Style Confidently

Have you ever stood in front of your closet, staring at your reflection, wondering how to cleverly draw attention away from those areas you’d prefer to camouflage? We’ve all been there! In a world where self-confidence is your best accessory, embracing your unique features is essential. So, how can you effortlessly redirect focus and elevate…

Simplify your wardrobe by creating a core capsule wardrobe

Confident Style Simplified: 6 Tips for Building Your Perfect Core Capsule Wardrobe

Are you tired of staring at your closet full of clothes and feeling like you have nothing to wear? Or maybe you’re just overwhelmed by the idea of putting together stylish outfits every day. Well, fear not! Developing a core capsule wardrobe could be the solution you’ve been searching for. So, how can you create…

How to Look Stylish Yet Be Comfortable, Practical, Attractive and Interesting - defining your style - pink jacket with embellished jeans

How to Look Stylish Yet Be Comfortable, Practical, Attractive and Interesting

Today, I want to address a question from reader, who seeks guidance on combining practicality, attractiveness, and vibrancy in her outfits. She wonders how to look comfortably stylish, interesting but not crazy, and vibrant without appearing too over the top. While these goals may seem contradictory, I firmly believe that practicality, comfort, and attractiveness are…

KNowing your colour palette makes shopping easier and more successful

Crack the Code to Shopping Success: Your Guide to Finding Flawless Clothes

Discovering clothes that not only suit your age but also flatter your figure can be a daunting task. Many women face the challenge of sifting through racks of clothing, only to find options that are either too revealing or ill-fitting. If you resonate with this struggle, rest assured that you are not alone. Fashion Trends…

Unleash Your Style Potential: Dressing with Confidence in Your 50s and Beyond

Unleash Your Style Potential: Dressing with Confidence in Your 50s and Beyond

Age is Just a Number Let’s kick off by debunking the myth that age should dictate your fashion choices. Your style is a reflection of your personality, and it’s time to embrace your unique self. Instead of conforming to what used to be style rules and societal norms such as having to cut your hair…

When You're in a Style Rut Because of Body Shape and Size Changes

What to Do When You’re in a Style Rut Because of Body Shape and Size Changes

Reader Question: “I‘m turning 40 this year though I still feel 30 I have an 18 month old baby and I just feel like my style is a huge mum rut since dropping my breastfeeding down to once a day I noticed the weight start to creep in around my tummy and I’ve always been…

5 Tips to a Camera-Ready Wardrobe: How to Choose the Perfect Outfit for Your Social Media Videos

Whether you have a YouTube channel or post live videos or reels on your social media channels, it’s important to consider what you’re wearing. While it’s essential to dress in a way that reflects your personal style, you also need to make sure that your outfit looks good on camera and doesn’t clash with your…

How to Combine Clothes Harmoniously and Interestingly

How to Combine Clothes and Accessories Harmoniously and Interestingly

Have you ever struggled to put together an outfit that truly represents your personality and style? If so, you’re not alone. Many people find it challenging to combine clothes harmoniously to create a cohesive look. Let’s explore how to create a harmonious and personal style recipe that reflects your personality and style. Define Your Style…