Why Oversized Clothes Don't Make You Look Slimmer or Your Bust Smaller

Why Oversized Clothes Don’t Make You Look Slimmer or Your Bust Smaller

Reader Question – I have a 44 double D bust and I’m about 172 centimeters tall. I’ve tended to hide my bust in loose flowing clothes and I recently tried a figure flattering dress. I was amazed as I did look busty but in proportion. Why is this this? balanced body proportions Oversized Clothes Don’t Make…

Level Up in Style

TO THE EXPERT WHO KNOWS THAT HER IMAGE HAS IMPACT You need to show up looking like an expert to be seen as an expert because your image speaks for you before you’ve ever even said a word! What is your style currently saying about you? IT’S TIME TO LEVEL UP IN STYLEJoin Now Give…

Brilliant Tricks of the Clothing Magician – How to Highlight and Camouflage for Figure Flattery

When you’re thinking about how to flatter your body and enhance it in a way that makes you happy, there are a few ‘tricks of the trade’ that make it easier to decide what to wear (and what to avoid when you’re shopping so you don’t keep making expensive mistakes). How does the magician create…

How to make a monochromatic outfit more interesting

How to Make a Monochromatic Outfit Interesting

  Monochromatic, meaning one colour (read up on the definition here), outfits can look extremely sophisticated and gorgeous, or if you’re not careful, a little boring and plain.  So how do you ensure that your monochromatic outfits are stylish and sophisticated not dull? Jill Chivers of 16 Style Types and I discuss ways to put…

Evolve Your STyle with a life changing style challenge by Imogen Lamport

Evolve Your Style Testimonials

EVOLVE YOUR STYLETESTIMONIALS See what others have said about the program “I am having fun and have already learned plenty. Your guide and workbook, where I was challenged to examine the image I’d like to project through my clothes was something I’d never done before. And I was able to see the outfits I’d been…

Evolve Your Style

Escape Your Style Rut and Love Your New LookwithEVOLVE YOUR STYLEWORK YOUR WARDROBE WITH EASY DAILY OUTFIT PROMPTS TO UPGRADE YOUR STYLE IN JUST 1 MONTHYou’ve got nothing to lose as it costs as little as a cheap, uncomfortable pair of shoes that you’ll wear once and never look at again! Join Now – $47USD…