I was delighted to be interviewed by Catherine Baxter for her Industry Leader’s interview series and I got to share some of my thoughts on becoming an image consultant and some of the keys to being a great image consultant.
One of the questions Catherine asked about was what obstacles I’ve overcome over my time in business (since early 2004) as so often it’s the obstacles that get in the way and stop people who could be amazing image consultants from fulfilling their dreams. I’ve had plenty of obstacles get in my way, so I share my philosophy about how every obstacle is actually an opportunity and how I’ve turned some of mine into some of my greatest achievements (such as creating my Absolute Colour System of 18 colour directions)! Sure right at the moment of encountering the obstacle, it may not always feel like an opportunity, but by standing back and looking at the big picture and seeing what I can learn or change or grow from to get around the obstacle, it gets turned into an opportunity.
If personal styling, personal colour analysis or image consultant are of interest to you, please do check out my training programs (you can do them from anywhere in the world and at your own pace).
What makes for a good image consultant? It’s definitely not being born with style, nor is it having others come to you for style advice (sure that can be great, but I can also teach you how to have style without that innate gift). These posts share what I think are the most important factors you want to consider!
What has helped me become a successful image consultant
8 Qualities of a successful personal stylist.
Just as you will never feel quite ready to take on a new challenge (just like I was never quite prepared when my kids were born – I mean how can you be when you’ve never done it before?), so you just have to take action and know, as I do that everything you do is imperfect. There is no such thing as the perfect outfit and it’s so easy to get bogged down in the details and so-called style rules.
Is it time for you to take your own style in hand and get the knowledge and information you need to take it to the next level? Creating the information and programs you need is my passion and why I’m here. It’s what gets me out of bed every day and has me working 10 hour days every weekday as I love helping you feel empowered about your style as I know there is a strong correlation between how you look and how you feel, and that authentic style makes a massive difference to your psyche and the opportunities that come knocking on your door. Do join me in one of my style programs!