179: Colour and Style Q&A: Tips when you feel nothing fit or flatter your body, wearing trousers and tops when you're overweight, and style shift with different workplaces.

In This Episode

0.07 I feel like I’m never stylish – it that my lack of shape means clothes don’t fit or flatter? I’m short too which doesn’t help – any suggestions?
2.39 – I’d love to wear dresses and skirts but tend to always wear trousers and tops because I’m overweight. I find it hard to dress up! I also recently bought a bowler hat but haven’t had the courage to wear it yet.
5.43 – My style shifts with different workplaces, cultures and activities and I”m quite non-conformist, whilst also being comfort orientated. I could like to add a piece or two from current trends to wear with my existing wardrobe. How to do this?


Your Guide to Tailoring and Alterations

The Best Clothing Alterations Based on Your Body Shape

How a Small Alteration Makes a Big Difference

Your Guide to Tailoring and Alterations

Wear Something New

Why Courage is the Ingredient You Need To Become More Stylish

How to Improve Your Style Using Your Sensing or iNtution

What are Mental and Emotional Comfort with Regards to Personal Style?

Defining Your Personal Recipe

U is for Uniform

6 Powerful Strategies for Replacing Wardrobe Workhorse Items

Your Ultimate Guide to Creating Wardrobe Capsules

If You’d Like to Define Your Style and Discover Your Colours

If you’re sick of wasting money on clothes that don’t work and you know there is a better way, then join my 7 Steps to Style program and get the right information for you and your style.

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