I’d like to take this opportunity to send you my very best wishes for this festive season! Where ever you are in the world, whatever you’re up to I hope you have a safe and enjoyable time.
I would also like to thank you for reading and commenting on Inside Out Style blog posts. This is a labour of love and I appreciate each and every one of you!
2019 has been a big year for me, just briefly looking back at some of my major achievements over this past year:
- I ran a training course in Chicago
- I spoke at the AICI Conference in Chicago sharing our work on the 16 Style Types
- I won the AICI Jane Segerstrom Award 2019
- I went to Thailand and did training there too (and will be back again in 2020)
- I ran colour and personal stylist training courses in Melbourne as well
- I presented at the AICI Australia conference
- Completely updated my 18 directional Absolute Colour System palettes
- Created and recorded 10 educational webinars for image consultants
- I presented with Jill Chivers, at the Australian Association of Psychological Type Conference
- I wrote 114 new blog posts and updated another 30 or so blog posts (each takes around 4-6 hours to create as a minimum!)
- Co-created with Jill Chivers and launched our new Your Type of Style online program on 16 Style Types
- I updated all my Colour and Style Guides that are used in client consultations
- Sent out 52 weekly newsletters and 12 monthly newsletters
- Worked with many clients to help them define their colours and styles and get their wardrobes sorted.
- I went to the gym at least 3 days a week every week

My beautiful fur baby Cleo who passed shortly after this photo was taken from cancer (the massive lump on her leg)
Plus I said goodbye to my furbaby Cleo who passed early this year, and hello to my two new whippet puppies Bo and Arrow who bring me delight and joy daily.

Here they are as 2-3 month old puppies – they are called Bo and Arrow, as Bo has a little bow tie on her neck and Arrow has a litte arrow head on his. Bo has the whiter nose!
It’s hard to believe I got any work done this year when I look at the photos on my phone and see just how many videos and photos I’ve taken of this fun pair! I even created them their own Instagram account @whippetheaven as I truly have ended up in whippet heaven with these two tricksters!

We are having a relatively quiet Christmas this year as my kids are in the UK with their Dad visiting their English grandparents, aunts, uncle and cousins and experiencing their first cold Christmas. So it’s Mr Inside Out Style (aka whippet dadda) and me, my brother and a neighbour.
What have you achieved this year? It’s so easy to let these things slip by forgotten as you move onto the next thing on your list! Take a moment to share what you’ve done this year.

Thanks for everything you’ve done this year Imogen, adding more information to an already great resource. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Merry Christmas and for a wonderful past year full of many ups and downs. Congratulations on your achievements and hard work. I only recently received my colour swatch from the lovely Anne Whalley and am very pleased.
Thanks Carol – I hope you enjoy your swatch and the colours!
Merry Christmas to you and your family! Congratulations on so many wonderful achievements, hope 2020 brings more good things! Best regards, Jelena
Thanks Jelena – you too!
Happy Holidays Imogen! You certainly have accomplished a lot this year. I am so delighted that I found your incredible blog many years ago and am a member of both the 7 Steps to Style and the 16 Style Types programs. I have had so much fun and have learned so much so thank you. Now forward on to 2020 we go!!
All the best for your next amazing decade, Imogen. Your list is is wonderful, but I believe you should add in a really major underlying one: ‘Made a big difference to so many women around the world’. I suggest this in gratitude!
Thanks Lee! It’s hard to every really gauge the effect you can have – I am glad that you have found that my work has made a big difference! I am sincerely grateful that my life’s passion inspires others.