I’ve spent the past week intensely immersed in our Academy of Professional Image Certified Personal Colour Analysis Training. It’s a full on full time course, and we teach our students just so much about colour and how to discover their client’s personal best colours, how to wear their colours plus so much more.

Students learn how to drape their clients to discover their very best and most flattering colours.
They learn to distinguish from a good palette of colours for their client which are their signature knockout colours to personalise the swatch for their clients.
Each of the students also get to go home with their personalised palette of signature colours to take home and use.
Plus they learn how to choose the most flattering makeup and hair colours for their clients so they look their best all the time.
They leave being able to work with clients of all different skin tones and colouring.
If this is something you’re interested in, you can discover our next training dates here.

Most definitely a full on and inspiring course that you and Clare offer. One of the best week’s of my life both personally and professionally. Discovering my own colour palette and wearing them made such a difference to how I felt about myself. Thank you.
Looks like the Asian woman (exotic) was right on the money already.
Yes she was! Though she has been a “model” for training before and knows her colours
Very inspirational for me to get mine on then. She looked exotic and fabulous. Harmonious throughout…. Hair, skin, eyes… Stunning!
Received my make up today from the make up tutorial. Was completely impressed by how expertly it was presented & the quality. Held it up in front on my face in the mirror and it was precisely me. Imogen & Clare are experts in the field & Clare sells excellent make up. Thanks Ladies!
je viens de découvrir votre site très intéressant,voilà une petite question quelles sont les meilleures couleurs à porter avec des cheveux blancs très blancs et des yeux marrons ….
merci de votre expérience amitiés Luce
je n’ai pas de site
Bonjour Luce
With white hair and brown eyes you would want a fairly high value contrast. Read up my posts on discovering your colours https://insideoutstyleblog.com/category/colour-guide/discover-your-colours and also those on wearing your colours – https://insideoutstyleblog.com/category/colour-guide/wearing-colour If you’d like my personal opinion on which specific colours suit you best then please consider doing my 7 Steps to Style program which includes a personal colour analysis https://insideoutstyleblog.com/7-steps-to-style-system