If you have an oval face shape it’s a balanced shape with an overall curved appearance. As you are naturally balanced, there is no need to use earrings to create more balance, but think about wearing earrings that are in harmony with your facial features:
- eyes
- eyebrows
- nose
- cheeks
- mouth
If these features have a more sharp/straight/angular appearance, wear for earrings with straighter/sharper shapes.
If these features are more curved/soft, then choose earrings that are curved shapes rather than sharpness or angularity.

Further reading:
Where to Find Unique, Interesting and Low Cost Accessories to Add to Any Outfit

Would these recommendations also apply for a round face with a long neck?
I’d go with the Round face information rather than Oval. https://insideoutstyleblog.com/2014/07/earrings-for-your-face-shape-round.html A longer neck means that you can wear higher necklines, but doesn’t much influence earring choices.
Thank you 🙂
Hi Imogen,
It makes perfect sense what you are suggesting here and I can see that the aim is to create harmony with the facial features however I thought that to do so you need to use contrast. For example a person with strong facial features would use round earrings in order to soften her face etc etc…same with clothes. Are there different school of thoughts when it comes to create harmony/balance?
what do you think?
What’s an example of a rounded oval face celeb compared to an angular oval face celeb? For example, would Megan Fox be a rounded or angular oval? Beyoncé?
I’d say Megan fox has a more diamond face shape than oval. Beyonce has a more oval face shape (but when she smiles her jaw becomes more angular and pointed)
Interesting! Now that I am looking at Beyoncé, I suspect she has a more rounded oval while someone like Charlize Theron may an angular oval shape. Funny how one can subconsciously pick up on these things before actually “noticing” it!
Oh, I forgot to ask before I logged off! What face shape would suit a haircut like this? I’m realizing curly hair in its natural state flatters certain faceshapes & not others..
It can suit a lot of face shapes as the length balances the width, probably the only face shape it’s less ideal for is the triangle or pear face as they have their widest part at the jaw which is where there is more fullness of hair, that said, if the hair covers the jaw it will then disguise this face too.
I see. Thanks so much! Your response was very helpful to me 🙂