Hi I have recently discovered your website and finally subscribed to the email. I wonder if you can help with a stripes related question please? I read conflicting information about petites and stripes. I haven’t found an answer on your website but if I have missed it please point me in the right direction. I am just wondering if pin stripes are a good idea for a busty petite. I have found tons of such fabric in my stash and wondering whether to make suits or start over with plain colours. In particular would a matched jacket and trousers make look like I am wearing my pajamas to work? Would a knee length dress look like a school uniform? The fabric in question is navy with a fine white pinstripe. I am 36, 150cm tall but can’t wear heels for medical reasons, no waist or bottom and add bust size. Any help you can give will be much appreciated. Thanks 🙂 Susan.
Fine pinstripes are great for petites. When you’re figuring out if something will work or not, consider:
Scale – is it small, medium or large? A fine pinstripe is small scale so works well with your petiteness!

Direction – which direction is the line taking your eye? A horizontal line shortens and widens, while a vertical line lengthens and slims. As you’re petite, wearing a suit in a fine pinstripe will make you appear taller and slimmer.
Win-win is what I say!
Ensure what you make is fitted well over your bust, rather than straining. Pinstripes look terrible when the fabric is pulled too tight. You may also consider making a dress and jacket which would work well to create a column of colour to elongate.

That diagonal stripe dress is freakin gorgeous.
That dress is a great idea! Business suit fabric in a more feminine, flattering style.
Loved the dress, but sadly not the price! As a not-so-busty petite (guessing that I’m an H shape now that I’m not so slender), I’m always on the look for vertical stripes but inevitably end up wearing horizontal stripes. I guess it’s not the most flattering look for me, but I do love my stripes! I’ll have to keep on looking for styles like the ones you show above.
Yes I loved the dress too (but rather pricey) but it is a great example of what you could have made!