In my line of work I know that my professional photos that I have on my website are really important. So many clients tell me that they are something they consider when deciding if I’m the right image consultant for them. It’s important for me to keep them up-to-date too as I frequently have to meet clients who I’ve never laid eyes on in shopping centres, so it makes it much easier if they can recognise me from a recent photo. So last week it was time for some more and I engaged Neil Creek to take them for me.
His wife Naomi was on the shoot too and took some behind the scenes shots which I’m going to share with you, as well as some of the final shots which I’m hoping you’ll help me decide on which to use.

We all know that flattering lighting makes a big difference to the outcome, and as I’m a serious blinker when someone takes a photo of me with a flash pointed directly at me, it was great to have these more indirect lights to make me look good.

The shoot took just over an hour and in that time multiple changes of clothes were made. It’s good to try on different outfits, sometimes something that looks great in person doesn’t come up so well on camera, so having options can make quite a difference.
My son when looking through the photos said to me “you’ve got the same smile in all of them” which of course I have, as it’s my smile.
Oh and in case you’re wondering, I did my own hair and makeup.
No 1 |
No 2 |
No 3 |
No 4 |
No 5 |
No 6 |
No 7 |
No 8 |
No 9
Now what I want you to do is let me know in the comments which 3 pics you like the best, the ones that would make you want to engage me as your image consultant. They’re numbered, so just put your preferences (in order) in the comments.

I like 1, 3 and 5 the best:)
I like 5,6,7 becuase you are looking right at me and smiling. I also appreciated seeing the pictures with more of your torso showing as I can see we have the same figure! What body type are you?
I like 3, 6 and 8 the best as those are the ones where you come across in the most approachably friendly way whilst also lookinglike you have style I'd aspire to.
I suppose I'd like to imagine you as a friend with incredibly good taste who would give me great advice.
Interesting to see what everyone else thinks. Personally I like 4, 2 and 9 best because I think you look relaxed and confident in your outfits and you can see your style in them.
Anon – I am an H shape with a very large bust, but have no waist to speak of, my bust gives me the illusion of being curvier than I am.
Ruthie – thanks – that's the look I'm after!
Kitty – appreciate your comments and selection.
I like 3 and 5 best!
3, 5 and 7. These are great shots and you look so young here!
2, 4 and 7 are my favorites. They make you seem happy, confident and approachable (as Ruthie said).
1, 6, 7.
In general, I prefer ones where you're looking at me (I feel like we'll connect better that way), and the goofy ones (again, feels like we'll really connect). You look stylish in all of them so that's not a variable 🙂
I like 4, 7 & 8.
I prefer the photos where you're looking at the camera, and seem more natural rather than posed. number 8 is the exception to that, but it made me think of sitting down over a coffee for a really good chat. In number 7 I think you look radiant, that would be my favourite. I picked number 4 over number 3 because I like the textural connection between the outfit & the background.
3, 5 and 7
No. 1 is fabulous.
General shot: 9, 2, or 4 (in that order, but it was hard to pick!).
For a more process-y shot: You and the clothing rack in #6.
Good luck choosing!
ps While I liked them, I eliminated the "head shot" ones because were I shopping for a consultant, I'd want to see how you dressed/colored YOUR body before hiring you to do mine. 😉
4,5,9 are my preferred.
I like 6 best, 1 and 4 and maybe 8 for showing off your style.
#1 by a long shot. It is confident, sophisticated, we have a glimpse of your sense of style in clothes/accessories, and it has better lighting than others.
I agree with other commenter about the head shots vs seeing the full package 🙂
3,7 and 8
I would choose No 4, 8, and 1, in that order.
Why: Both #4 and #8 have very flattering warm lighting, which makes you look healthy and happy, which in turn will make your potential clients believe that they too will feel that way after working with you.
Although #1 is not shot in as warm a light, it shows off a bit more of your outfit, and that is what clients want to know about — if their potential stylist dresses well.
I really like #9 as well, because it shows almost your entire outfit, but the beautiful detail of your jacket gets lost in the small image size and to me it looks rumpled. When I enlarged the photo, I could see the details of the jacket, but I couldn't appreciate them in the small photo size.
I would definitely consider using more full- or 3/4-length shots in the future so that you can show off your fabulous outfits!
4, 7, then 6 get my vote!
3 and 6 are the best!
Spontaneously I picked 5, 7, and 8. But the ticket is which would make me pick you as an image consultant and based on that, I'd say 8, 2 and 1 because you not only look your best but they also display some of your style.
Like many of the others, I prefer the shots where you are looking directly at the camera, so I like 4, 7 and 8 best, though it was really hard to choose.
I also liked 5, but if you were to use a close-up shot like that, I think it would work better with more colour. If you could photoshop your shirt into the red or blue that you wore in the other photos, it would be great as an avatar shot.
1, 5, 8.
These photos are all great, Imogen. I've chosen ones which to me seem the most spontaneous/least posed, as I like photos which show personality, rather than more traditional portrait styles, where a person’s warmth and approachableness and energy may not come across as strongly.
1 – you look so young at heart in this one, both in your outfit style and your confident upright pose.
3 – this more intimate pic of you laughing reveals your sense of humour; I love the personality shining through; and as a bonus we see a bit of your outfit.
8 – this pic captures you in a candid moment that is utterly engaging and radiates sincerity. Although we can’t see your outfit, I think this pic will grab the reader’s attention. The angle of your gaze had me stumped as to how this photo could be used, until I imagined how it might work in a column like you have on the right of the blog screen. Your upward gaze in the photo would lead the viewer to look at whatever words you had printed above – or below.
PS> I also love the very first pic in your post where you can see both you and Neil on the balcony. It gives the viewer an intimate insight into your world, it tells a story, it demonstrates that you are a professional rather than an amateur, with a business-like approach to your career —and it documents your confident, relaxed attitude in a real-life demanding situation. What's more, we can see your entire outfit – which give us a better idea of your style (something we can't really tell from the half-shots). I do think you could work this photo quite easily into your material.
#2 and, I'm sorry, but only #2. I think that is the one where you most personify a PROFESSIONAL image consultant. The others are very nice but the don't say Imogen, Image Consultant to me. They are too casual for me.
1, 3, and 6 are my faves, but they're ALL amazing! You look radiant, Imogen!
I like 3,6,7 the best.
– tall & slim anon
I like 3,9,8, in that order.
Beautiful photos! I'd choose 3 from this set: 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8.
Photos 7 – 9 are my favorite!
7 and 2. I don't have a third, because my kids are pestering me! LOL.
9, 7 and 2 in this exact order! Nice smile!
Imogen, #3 would sell you best to me. I am: 54, mid-height, fairly slender, retiring from corporate work, fairly classic/luxe in my tastes. Were I to work with someone, I would want to think they would understand me, my body type, and my aesthetic. A photo in which I cannot see your body type therefore works best, since we are so different:). Also, I like the classic look of #3. My guess is that this will depend, as does so much, on what demographic you want to target. You look warm and personable in all the photos, so that aspect, to me, doesn't play into the decision.
in order of preference. #3 #8 #6
All great photos of you, but I like 3, 7 & 8 the best!
I like 8 (the colors, the light, the feel! lots of open spaces suggest lots of possibilities), 6 (I expect that if i were your client I'd see this look on you quite often, and it makes me smile.), and 7 – warm lighting, nice open, straight on look (suggests open and honest), inviting smile – not much to not like with that one.
8 (such a pretty photo!)and 2 (I think you look the friendliest/most approachable here).
1,3,6 &7.
6, 4,and 1 in that order. 6 because it shows clothes behind you which evokes the image of someone who knows her way around clothes.
I like 7, 3, and 4 best. 7 and 3 particularly make me feel like I know you already.
#2. You're looking at me, can see your clothes, look very reassuring and positive, no backyard domestic background that would make me wonder if you actually made a living at this.
Many really lovely photos of you, and how could it be otherwise.
3, 5 and 7!
6 (laughing), 7 and 1 (gorgeous) are my favourites.
numbers 3, 7 and 9.
#3, #6, "7.
Well, I've hired you allready based on what you write on your blog, but I prefer 1,3 and 6. I don't think I look as much on your style, but i think you look more approachable and realistic here, while a few of the others look more "styled". I
#3, #3, and #3.
1 and 4, and with this variety of opinions, I bet you're wishing you never asked!!
Numbers 1,3,6,8
1, 3, 7
Great photos!!
3,6,1. 3 is perfect!
3, 8 and 2. 8 might be harder to use because you're not looking straight on, but it's the best of the bunch!
Ireally liked 6 as you look like you were having fun and enjoying the shoot. Also 4 and 8
#7, 2 and 4 — you have a sincere smile and pretty colors close to your face!
I love 9, 6, and 7. 1 is also very nice.
3, 6, 8 – the others are too 'posey'!
9 you look trendy, stylish and approachable.
4 ditto
7 soft and approachable
You look pretty in every photo you ever put up but these get my interest because that’s how I’d want my stylist to look and be able to make me look that way too.
You always have colours that suit you. I can shop till I drop and my feet are burning and come home with maybe 1 thing I think us passable and then… Often return it. I’d want a stylist that can put me together like you have put yourself together and seeing the whole outfit is important to me plus approachability. I wouldn’t care how savvy and knowledgeable a stylist was if she were cold and exacting and had an air of superiority id be gone – so the smile being genuine into the eyes… is important too.