I was reminded on Tuesday evening, when I spent 3 hours doing some extra training with the Look Good Feel Better organisation for whom I volunteer, about what a fabulous program it is.
What is Look Good Feel Better – it’s a charity that delivers programs to people with cancer, in hospitals all over the world – from Australia to the USA, UK to Columbia, Norway to South Africa. Chances are, there is a Look Good Feel Better program in your country (and if there isn’t, it’ll be coming soon!).
The cosmetic industry donates products to be given to cancer patients who attend the program. Everything from skin care to makeup. In Australia we also have a program for men and teens as well as women.
Volunteers (wo)man the program that are held in hospitals all over the world. In 2 1/2 hours we spend time showing patients how to deal with some of the side effects of their treatment, including a make-up lesson, information about options with scarves and hats, as well as the opportunity to try on wigs. It’s time spent where you can pamper yourself and talk to others who may be going through similar situations. Friendships are made and lots of fun is had.
Participants don’t need to be losing their hair to come along. It’s a fun and empowering session and I encourage anyone with cancer to attend a session. If you know someone with cancer why not encourage them to sign up and come along, you can come with them too.
If you’ve got experience in the beauty or image industries why not become a volunteer? It’s a great charity and you are helping to build the self-esteem of many people.
For more information go to the website of your country.
Australia www.lgfb.org.au
USA www.lookgoodfeelbetter.org
Canada www.lgfb.ca
UK www.lookgoodfeelbetter.co.uk

I applaud ! I have not heard about this in Finland, but if Norway is with it, well it´s pretty near. Thank you for sharing !
Metscan – unfortunately not in Finland yet.
How thoughtful of you Imogen. Thank you for doing this for cancer patients, and letting us know about your organization.
That's a really worthwhile use of your talents – good on you.
What a wonderful organization and I commend you for your work with them. I've worked for the past 5 or so years with a woman who has cancer and who been through two sessions of treatment. When her hair began to thin she started to wear a wig and it has helped her tremendously to feel like her old self again.
They do wonderful work. I'm grateful that you are helping them.
SUCH an amazing organization. Any idea if they'll be opening a branch in the U.S.? I'll root around and see if I can find out.
Sal – yes they are in US – see http://www.lookgoodfeelbetter.org
THANK YOU. My late, dear mother died of cancer and as bad as she felt with chemo, operations, etc., losing her hair and feeling bad about the way she looked just added to the sadness.
LGFB is a fabulous organization that really boosts morale of women who need it most. Yay, you, Imogen. Now I'm not only impressed by your many talents but also by your big heart.
S – so sorry to hear about your mother.
I'm glad the programme also includes men and teens. Sure, healthy men lose their hair, so it might not seem as traumatic, but chemotherapy hair loss is very different from normal pattern baldness.
Self-esteem and self-image have a very important impact on the will to live.