I have some very exciting (well for me) news, I’ve just received my CIP – which stands for Certified Image Professional – I’m now one of only 8 Image Consultants in Australia who have reached this high level of certification. It took me a year to put my application together, and I’ve had to provide all sorts of information to show the breadth of my experience. Thank you to all my lovely clients who helped in one way or another, I couldn’t have achieved this without you.
I will be receiving my certificate at the AICI (Association of Image Consultants International) conference in Los Angeles in May.
A bit of background – to achieve this certification I’ve had to:
- Pass the FLC (first level certification exam)
- Maintained membership in a professional image association for two full years and served as a leader.
- Submitted a presentation binder that demonstrates a high level of professionalism and passes the AICI CIP image and presentation criteria.
- Shown proof of continuing education at the level required for AICI Certified Image Professionals.
- Maintained a personal image and appearance appropriate for a high-level image consultant.
- Promoted image knowledge through writing, media appearances, and/or speaking engagements.
- Contributed image skills to charitable and/or philanthropic causes.
- Submitted exemplary evaluations from current AICI CIP or AICI CIM members.
- Worked with fee-paying clients for a minimum of two years (full time) or four years (part time) and submitted exemplary evaluations from clients.
Oh, and the gorgeous and talented Tessa Scoffs wrote me a Haiku!
Congratulations! You should be very proud! Toot away 🙂
That’s awesome. Great work, Imogen.
Imogen….congratulations to you for all your hard work. You deserve to be proud. I could sure use you!
Hooray for you. There will be in champagne when you are here in L.A. I hope you are appropriately celebrating.
xoxo and PBC
Congratulations, great work!
Champagne, yeah!
Good for you! I’m learning so much from your blog.
Congratulations on your achievement! You’re a wonderful example of someone who loves her work!
By all means, toot your own horn. Congratulations on your achievement!
You Champion!! You inspire others, look amazing and you achieve – you’re living the dream.
That’s fantastic, Imogen, congratulations! Well deserved too. You are an ongoing source of inspiration. All the best. Ciao. A.
Congratulations you talented woman you!!! Hey I wanted to tell you, I’m the only one I know that doesn’t decorate in the colours I wear. I LOVE orange and yellow (and look terrible in those colours) I have never liked pink (probably because in the 10 years I’ve been decorating it has been so OUT) and that’ what I wear now, I even have one lulu zip in a dusty, old lady pink that I NEVER thought I’d EVER wear that my image consultant had me buy. But I’m okay with it now. it was quite the adjustment buying all these colours I never wore but I’m liking it. Plus I should be wearing colour because of the business I’m in, people expect it!!
Sending you congratulations for your hard work, what a fantastic achievement, Imogen!
You should be very proud!
That’s wonderful you are going to LA too to be honored for your acomplishments!
Congrats! I’ve got to say though, I’m not surprised. Your blog is FABULOUS and it’s clear that you really know what you’re talking about! You have such a knack for breaking it down for us all. Way to go!
Congratulations! And only one of 8 in Oz! We are very lucky indeed to have your style advice on your blog and when you visit ours. Great work!
Congratulations Imogen. Your work is immensely appreciated over her ein the UK too.
Congratulations. I am so happy for you. Wish I could be there.
WOW what an honor to be apart of such a small group! Congratulations- you deserve it!!!!
Congratulations on your well deserved and hard earned recognition.
Congrats! You have earned your elite status! If I were anywhere close to IOS headquarters, I would insist that you have a glass of bubbly or three to mark your achievment. And I swear one day, I am going to sign up for a workshop from you!
Congratulations, Imogen ! So well deserved.
I am so grateful for what you do and how you do it.
Thanks Julie!