Continuing on the makeup theme, I thought I’d share my current favourite book on makeup techinques. It’s Makeup Makeovers: expert secrets for stunning transformations by Robert Jones.
What I like about it:
- The pictures – it’s very simple and the pictures clearly state where to put shadow or highlight.
- Advice for each face shape – so where to put your blush if you have a round face, which is different from where to put your blush if you have a rectangle face.
- Section on eye shapes and eye shadow – whether you have protruding eyes, deep set eyes, hooded eyes or droopy eyes (and more eye types) there are simple, clear instructions on how to apply eye shadow.
- Good advice on colour
- Explanations of different products and their uses
- Clear before and after photos
What I didn’t like
- He uses 3 shades of foundation and powder to highlight and contour – who has the time to do this every day?
- Not enough on eyebrow shapes for face shapes
That said – not much to complain about. If you want a great guide to applying makeup I would recommend this book highly. I use this book when teaching my image consultant training course, and have had students who have never even put makeup on themselves, within a day, doing simple day makup on models just following his step-by-step advice.
Robert Jones also has a book aimed at the more mature market called Looking Younger: Makeovers that make you look as young as you feel that is aimed at the 40+ market and I’ve had a look through it at the bookstore and think it’s also a great option for the more experienced in life woman.
Do you have a favourite makeup guide?
I don’t have a favorite guide but like to go to the MAC counter and let the eager young artists have a go at me face. They are good at explaining what they’re doing, and what I buy there doesn’t cost a fortune. The proof was when I stopped by the just before a cocktail party and several people told me how great I looked.
I have a question that has nothing to do with makeup (although I love this step-by-step!), but it is image-related: I love a little punkiness or a little tough, but I have no desire to dress like a 12-year-old Hot Topic wannabe (I'm 27), and most of the places I shop (I'm cheap! thrift/vintage, H&M, sales) aren't very heavy on the punk influence. How do I add some punk or tough influences to what I wear, and where do I look to find pieces that will help me do this?
Duchesse – that’s a great thing to do – I often feign ignorance and go and get a makeover at a cosmetics counter – and sometimes I pick up some new techinques or tips which I can pass onto my clients.
Queen of Sheba – thanks so much for stopping by – I’ll do a post for you.
Imogen I love your blog. Thankyou for sharing your talent and knowledge.
One cosmetic trick that I have discovered and love for my over 50 skin is called ‘pore filler’. It goes on under the foundation and makes the skin much more smooth.
Saje – thanks so much for coming by and commenting – I love comments.
Yes – Skin Primer (what they tend to be known as) are fantastic products that are really great for more mature skins and give a fantastic base for foundation.