270: Why Style isn't Shallow and Why Improving Your Style Gives You Greater Confidence

If vanity is a sin then is caring about your style shallow?

I don’t believe so (at all) and wanted to share with you some of my thoughts on why I believe this and I’ve got some research to back my beliefs up!

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Do You Want to Feel More Confident and Improve Your Self-Esteem?

Did you know that research shows that those with higher-self esteem tend to have a more congruent self-image – they present on the outside who they are on the inside.  

And that when you improve your personal image and style, this improves your self-esteem. And when you have higher self-esteem, you present a self-image that is more congruent with who you are.

So it’s a win-win circle!

In fact, higher self-congruence is associated with better psychological and social adjustment, such as feeling less anxiety, depression, and loneliness.  As well as having a better self-image can help with other aspects of your life, such as getting the job you want, making new friends and meeting a new partner, if these are things that you want to have in your life.Improve your style to improve your self-confidence

Enclothed Cognition

This is a fascinating field of study called enclothed cognition, where they have found that by wearing certain sorts of clothes, that it can improve intelligence, or even make you exercise more, as by wearing these clothes you identify as being “the kind of person who does … (whatever it is that you are wanting to do).

When you wear clothing that makes you feel stylish it helps you to present as more confident, and in the long term, you embody that confidence as it changes how you perceive yourself for the better.  

Knowing that if you can improve your self-esteem, that improves your confidence, which improves your self-congruence and this has a snowball effect that ripples out to your whole life.

When I shop with a client and we find them a great outfit, I see them physically change before my eyes, their posture improves and I can see the new and improved version of them starting to emerge before me.  

Improve Your Self-Esteem and Confidence

If you want to improve your style, you need the style education to give you the power and will empower you to develop your own personal style, one that is congruent with who you are so you present an authentic and aligned personal brand image.

This is why I’ve developed my online 7 Steps to Style program (and other style programs) as I want to make it possible for you to get the very best style education, no matter where you are in the world, and put yourself in the driver’s seat of your style and empower you to make the best decisions when shopping for clothes and putting together outfits every day.     Getting a style education will have a long-lasting effect and improve your self-esteem and confidence.

My passion is to help you find and express your style – find out more about my programs now – and please do join me in my new style masterclass 5 Things You Need to Stop Doing Now to Instantly Improve Your Style

I’m here to help you find your authentic personal style!

Aligning Your Style from the Inside Out

If Nobody Sees You Does it Matter What You Wear?

Expressing Your Style, Your Way

If You’d Like to Define Your Style and Discover Your Colours

If you’re sick of wasting money on clothes that don’t work and you know there is a better way, then join my 7 Steps to Style program and get the right information for you and your style.

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