320: Your colour questions answered about adding interest to your outfit, comfortable and casual dressing.

In This Episode

0:08 Since I’ve retired I haven’t needed to “dress up” much, thoough I’ve been trying to wear makeup and nice clothes but I don’t like wearing accessories like jewelry, scarves, belts and . It would also be nice to wear heels, but my ankles flop. I thought I might try a platform shoe – any other suggestions for finding a retirements style?

Adding Interest to Your Outfit

How to Look Stylish Yet Be Comfortable, Practical, Attractive and Interesting

How to Make Basic Outfits More Creative and Interesting

Finding Your Sense of Style: Rediscovering and Refining Your Fashion Identity

Your Ultimate Flat Shoe Wardrobe and Where to Find Those Elusive Perfect Shoes

4:41 How do I hide a single mastectomy as it’s new to me?

How to Look Stylish Yet Comfortable

How to Look Stylish Yet Be Super Comfortable

What are Mental and Emotional Comfort with Regards to Personal Style?

8:52 My biggest style challenge? I spend most of my life in a casual, sometimes seriously outdoor-active environment, both working and for leisure. Part of my outdoor work requires me to wear a uniform.

Casual and Active Dressing Ideas

How to Make a Classic Garment Suit a Casual Lifestyle

How to Reinvent Your Style from Corporate to Casual

Is that Stripe Slimming or Widening? Discover the Rules of Stripes

If You’d Like to Define Your Style and Discover Your Colours

If you’re sick of wasting money on clothes that don’t work and you know there is a better way, then join my 7 Steps to Style program and get the right information for you and your style.

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