Have you got SNS nails and are wondering how to remove them as they grow out if you can’t get to the salon? It’s not hard to remove them at home and you only need a few easily accessed things to do it.
What You Need to Remove SNS Nails at Home
- Coarse grit emery board (100grit is good)
- Boiling Water
- Smaller and larger bowl (they need to fit inside each other)
- Paper Towel
- Pure Acetone (available at hardware stores)
Steps to Removing SNS Nails at Home
- Start by filing off the shiny coating on your nails. The more you file down the SNS coating, the faster the soaking off time will be.
- Then pour a little boiling water into the larger bowl, and put the smaller bowl inside it.
- Place 3-4 sheets of folded (wadded up) paper towel inside the small bowl and pour acetone over to soak the paper towel. You can always add more if it dries out whilst you’re soaking them off.
- Place hands in the bowl and start rubbing your nails on the paper towel to help the acetone remove the polish, it speeds up the process. It will take from 10-30 minutes depending on how thick the SNS layer is on your nails.
- Turn the paper towel as it tears (this is why you want a few sheets).
- Once the SNS nail polish is gone, wash your hands with soap and water to remove the acetone, dry and then slather your hands in hand cream – acetone is drying!
[mv_create key=”4″ thumbnail=”https://insideoutstyleblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/how-to-remove-SNS-nails-at-home.jpg” title=”How to Remove SNS Nails at Home” type=”diy”]