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Your sharing my content on social media has a positive impact….
When you share one of my blog posts either via email or your social media you make a difference to my (and my family’s) life.
These days Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest algorithms make it harder and harder for anything I post to my page to be even seen by you without having to pay hefty advertising fees.
You sharing my posts directly from my blog or even from my Facebook page, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media helps spread the love without it costing me a fortune.
The more people who read my posts, the more traffic my blog gets, and this creates a win-win situation.
How so?
The more people who purchase my online programs and ebooks through this blog, the more time I can dedicate to creating blog posts – which of course are free to read!
Without an income (which my blog provides through the programs like 7 Steps to Style and Evolve Your Style and my ebooks) I can’t afford to spend the hours and hours it takes to create each blog post.
So if you like reading my free content(or any blogger’s content)please share it with your friends, family and the world through your social media (Pinterest, Linked In, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc…) channels.
If it has helped you, just think about how it may also help someone else….
Sharing really is caring …. so scroll down and you’ll see some links to social media – feel free to click on those coloured icons and share each post you read.
Plus why not connect with me on social media – you can find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, I’d love to get to know you more.
Please share! Today, tomorrow and for the rest of your life.
The future of my blog is in your hands.