Today I spent a couple of hours packing for my trip to Hawaii – I’m off to the AICI (Association of Image Consultants International) Annual Conference which this year is in Waikiki.
I’m actually there for 2 weeks, as I’ve got meetings the week after the conference, then a couple of days of holiday.
If you’re one of my Honolulu based readers I’d love to catch up so do email me and lets see if we can arrange a time to meet!
I’m all packed, and have taken some photos of my outfits to keep on my ipad so I can get dressed quickly each morning (thanks Reen for holding the shoes!).
I’m impressed with all that coordinated packing but OMG how MANY pairs of shoes????
That will be the one problem I won’t have when I get you to help me pack for my next trip!
Chris – I’m only taking so many shoes cos it’s an image consultants conference – if it was just a holiday I’d have no more than 4 pairs of shoes. You should see what we managed with Janet’s packing for 6 weeks – it’s a masterpiece!
I’m so happy that you are taking two Verily dresses, have a fantastic time!
Leonie – happy to be taking 2 Verily dresses! Will be posting some photos along the way too.
Looking forward to meeting you at the Conference, Imogen! Don’t forget to join me for the AICI Tweet-Up on Thursday at 5:30pm!
Can’t wait Jacqueline!
Have a wonderful time looking gorgeous — and if you end up with time to travel around the island a bit, enjoy!