I received this award from the thoughtful and stylish LPC at Privilege. Thanks SO much!
LPC’s blog is an eclectic mix of things from her life and her interest, from exercise to fashion, from midlife to food, all from her high wasp perspective (which is interesting to me as WASPS are not something we have in Australia, except the insect sort, which we currently have a nest of residing in the wall beside my bedroom).
The terms of this award are to reveal several things about oneself.
5 Fashion Things You Didn’t Know About Imogen:

- I wore all handmedowns from my brother and other family friends until I was 8 years old. Many were ugly and made of nasty fabrics. My least favourite was a pair of blue shorts that had one red and one white patch pocket on the front.
- Until I was 16 years old the only shoes I had were my brown lace up school shoes, when I managed to convince my mother that a I really needed a pair of non-school shoes to wear on the weekend.
- When I first started my image consulting business I only had 2 decent outfits to wear (I’d had my first child and money was very tight).
- I have over 80 image related books on the shelf in my office. I read anything that is related to my industry. If I can pick up just one tip or a different perspective on something I’m satisfied.
- When I was 20 I went to see my doctor about foot pain, he told me to wear different shoes every day as each shoe rubs on a different part of your foot, so by wearing different shoes you do less damage to your feet. I took his advice to extremes and I now have a shoe wardrobe of around 80 pairs of shoes.
Approximately 15 Fashion Bloggers Receiving The “You Are A Great Fashion Read” Award:
All the bloggers on my blogroll, and those commenters who blog are awarded this from me! You are all a stylish bunch with great brains as well as beauty.
All right. If any of these bloggers would like to give us 5 Fashion Facts We Didn’t Know Before, I, for one, will be waiting anxiously to hear.

Congrats on the award, it's very well deserved.
It's always interesting to learn a little more about people, so thanks for including your personal facts.
Yes, congratulations. Of all the fashion blogs I read, yours is the most helpful. Two tips that have made an impact on my wardrobe lately are the one about balancing your face and neckline, and the one about matching your shoes to your hair. Good stuff!
About handmedowns: Yes, I wore tons of 'em as a child. The only new things I remember wearing were Christmas gifts from my grandparents. Whenever I would balk at something because it was ugly or didn't fit well, my mom would always say "Beggars can't be choosers." I hated that line, and now my response is "Yes they can choose. They can choose not to wear it!"
I love your story of where you came from and how you have transformed yourself to what you are today. I appreciate your style advice!
Love to learn about your exciting fashion origins!
Congratulations from me too! You are so worthy of the award. Thank you so much for all the great advice received!
I like the idea of more shoes being required in order to maintain good foot health 🙂
Congratulations! I love that you wore hand-me-downs from your brothers. I grew up with hand-me-downs as well. Even in college I was raiding my mother's closet for the skirt-blouse-cardi sets SHE wore in college. I think wearing hand-me-downs hones the thrift shopping muscle. All through high school my friends and I would go to the local thrift shops and find the tackiest men's plaid shorts and pair them with our Izod polos and Weejuns and/or Topsiders for the preppie look.
Congratulations- your blog is always a great read.
I wore hand-me-downs for ages, but mine weren't actuallt that bad.
Imogen, I'm honored you chose to accept the award. You really are the first place I'd send anyone looking to improve their personal style. Hands down. And I'm filling ya (feeling you) as my son would say, about the shorts with the patch pockets. My mother inflicted similar indignities on me.
Supermum – thanks
Mom Huebert – thanks so much – and I'm glad something here has helped! I LOVE your attitude to Beggars can't be choosers (that was a saying I got a lot from my mother too!), and your attitude is great.
Renae – thanks – there were lots of little incidents in my life that pushed me up this path!
K.Line – far from exciting unfortunately!
Metscan – my pleasure!
WendyB – you can never have too many shoes! When the doctor said 'different shoes every day' I went with him – for months at a time I don't have to wear the same pair twice!
Luinae – my daughter wears handmedowns too – but they are girls ones – and she chooses from the ones we're given which ones she wants to keep and wear, and which ones we give to charity.
LPC – Thanks so much for the award – what doesn't kill us makes us stronger eh?
You are so awesome! I loved this quote "If I can pick up just one tip or a different perspective on something I'm satisfied." That is exactly what i do in the realm of colour/design. And your 80 pairs of shoes comment made my laugh out loud!! This is why we love your blog, because you are the sh*t when it comes to fashion!!
Don't mind if I do help myself to this award Hee hee…
No wonder you love clothes so much!
Wow. I think your background has helped make you what you are today (which, as we all tell you, is a style GURU) because you had so little to start with! I think you deserve your large shoe collection. While I'm a fan of the hand-me-down, you can definitely have too much of a good thing in that regard.
Maria – thanks SO much!
Karen – as I said – on my blogroll help yourself!
Tiffany – yes – the lack of any sort of care about appearance in my family made me all the more interested!
I've been so behind on my blog reading that I missed this post. This morning I said, "That's it! I must get my Inside Out Style fix!" And thanks for sharing the award with the rest of us fashion bloggers on your list who are working hard to follow in your footsteps.
I'll post my 5 things on my site this week.