I can’t believe another year has flown by so fast again. We’ve all taken another turn around the sun and we are back into the festive season again (and summer holidays here in Australia too).
I want to take this time to say a big thank you to you, for taking the time to read my blog posts, and hope you got even a small tip or some help that has given you some assistance in making an improvement in your style choices.
And I want you to thank yourself for investing some time and energy into you and your style. Style is not skin deep or shallow, in fact I’ve found it goes deep, right into your core. What you wear stops you from being naked, it is your armour and protects you both physically and mentally.

Taking an interest in your style and getting a style education is a wonderful investment in yourself as you have to get dressed every day, you have to buy clothes for the rest of your life, so why not make the best possible choices for you.
May your festive season be enjoyable, peaceful and good for your soul.
With love and sparkles
Imogen, Bo and Arrow (the whippets)