Back in 2008…
When I started writing this blog back in 2008 I remember thinking about how if nothing came of it (aka, nobody ever read a blog post) then I could just collect the posts together and use them as the basis for a book.
13 years later and over 2500 blog posts written and well over 43 million blog post views … I’ve written a lot of words and a lot of people have read these words. Every week I produce more (who would have thought there was still something to write about with all that existing content), when I got the opportunity to become a contributing author to this new book about innovation I knew I had to write something new.
The book is called Innovation Secrets: Global Leaders Building Better World Through Creative Business Ideas and is published today on Kindle for only 99c via Amazon.com or Amazon.com.au (more links for other countries at the bottom of the page)

Introducing My Chapter
I was inspired to write my chapter which is called Styling Your Personal Brand and gives you an easy step-by-step process to help you express your personal values through your style so you can communicate your values through your image.
What’s a personal brand anyway (and why does it matter)?
Your personal brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room. It matters if you work and want to be taken seriously in your work. It matters if you don’t work but just want to be authentic to who you are and express your personality through your style.
Think you don’t have a personal brand?
You can’t not have one.
You can consciously choose your personal brand, or you can let others choose it for you.
What is great is that part of your brand is expressed by your image, as clothes communicate. You get to choose what you wear each day and have the opportunity to put on an outfit that communicates and expresses who you are, your personality, and values through your clothing, accessory and grooming choices.
When you dress in a way that reflects your values, you feel more confident and comfortable. When you are more confident and comfortable you are seen as more credible.
If you want to know more, then grab a copy of Innovation Secrets today – the digital copy is only 99c for a short time only and all proceeds are going to the charity Dress for Success which supports women around the globe to become economically independent.
Watch this video which tells you more about my chapter and why I think it’s so important.
I’m One of Many Amazing Authors
This is a multi-author book and contains a plethora of innovative ideas and expert advice. Here are just a few chapter titles from other authors:
Pleasure: The science-backed secret to boost your mood, mind, body and bottom-line by Dr Elysa Roberts
Architectural Harmony and Innovation in Work and Learning Space Design by Architect Christina Kim
Career innovation – how to find the work you love by Robyn Greaves
It all hinges on the ‘C’ word …Communication by Chantal Dezarnaulds
Back to Basics … How to Create more Contentment in Everyday Life by Gabrielle Bailey
Innovation Secrets: Global Leaders Building Better World Through Creative Business Ideas
Innovation Secrets multi-author book tells the inspiring and powerful stories of thought leaders, innovators and visionaries who are creating a positive paradigm shift in business and life through creative business ideas.
Innovators see the world differently, are driven by passion, and are inspired to create positive global change by initiating new ways of doing things. They are thought leaders, visionaries, inventors, changemakers and futurists who introduce new ideas, thought leadership and vision to transform the world.
Creativity in business harnesses the power of imagination to challenge the status quo and inspire new ways of thinking. Creativity empowers people to find innovative solutions to problems and turn them into opportunities for growth.
Get your digital copy NOW for only 99c – grab it now – this launch price is only for a short time only!
There will be hard copies available in the future – if you’re interested in getting one please let me know!