Loved this post from Vintage Current about how a cat call made Candice’s day and helped her think more positively about body image
This post from Sal about seeing her body through the lens of style is a great read.
Carly shares how embracing a label has been powerful for her.

Grown up dressing and a style evolution are the topic that Deja Pseu investigates in this post.
Amy from shares how learning to say “no” can really help you feel less stressed and overwhelmed in this two part post.
Amber declares her feelings that women over 30 should not start dressing invisibly – which I totally agree with.
One week today I fly out of Melbourne (winter, cold) to New York (summer, hot) and then Washington DC (summer, hot) for the AICI Conference(there is still time to register) so I am reminded that maybe I should bring a hat to keep me from getting burnt. I keep hearing how hot it is over there, and given that I’ve just suffered through two weeks of no heating in my office (thankfully finally fixed last night) and having to dress like an Antarctic explorer (wearing my overcoat inside plus a down filled jacket, whilst wrapped in blanket and Ugg boots on my feet) I’m looking forward to a burst of summertime. So if you’re in the summer sun right now, be inspired to wear a straw hat.
There is talk everywhere on the internet about the Kon Marie method of decluttering your house and life to find the joy. Here is a parody version to bring some humour back into the equation.
But if you do want to become more productive, consider how 10 minutes can change your productivity and life.

Thank you so much for the mention! How lovely! I’ll be checking out those links!
Also, thanks for your email – will reply soon. Have a great weekend c
Pleasure Carly. I look forward to hearing back from you.