Today Jill Chivers of 16 Style Types and I are talking in this short video about how your colouring changes as you age, and therefore how the colours that suit you may change over your lifetime.
Today Jill Chivers of 16 Style Types and I are talking in this short video about how your colouring changes as you age, and therefore how the colours that suit you may change over your lifetime.
This is fascinating. I recently read that Deep Winters sometimes need to turn to Cool Winter palettes as they age and this video seems to reinforce that. As a 39 year old Deep Winter I’ve had to change to cooler makeup colors the past couple of years and I couldn’t figure out why.
SS – People’s colouring can change in many ways. They can get lighter as they age, they can get darker, they can get softer and more muted, they can cool down, or if they are cool they can also warm up a touch and become closer to neutral.
Another fabulous video. As I age, my bright red hair has lightened and the deep ‘autumn’ colours are too intense for me. I find myself drawn to the softer hues and feel much more happy in what I wear.
And you’ll gradually find too that your colouring starts too cool a little too.