Today I’m guest posting over at Middle Ageless for Rosina who has had a burning reader question.
How to Disguise an Ageing Neck.
While you’re over there, why not check out all that Rosina has to offer.

Today I’m guest posting over at Middle Ageless for Rosina who has had a burning reader question.
How to Disguise an Ageing Neck.
While you’re over there, why not check out all that Rosina has to offer.
I wear large earings when I have my hair up done in summer.
My secrets:
1. Bliss Thinny Thin Chin Neck Firming Cream.
2. Bronzer on my neck.
As one of the older bloggers, my take is I don't think you can, a lot of the time. You can cover it in the kind of weather when most women would wear a scarf, but in spring and summer, it's obvious. My tactic is another margarita, and who cares?