How your hair is cut and colour completely changes your look. But how to find a flattering cut and colour?
I’ve been having a play with In Style’s online makeover tool. This is a free tool, and a bit of fun to play with. It can really help you realise what does and doesn’t work on you. You can try on all sorts of celebrities hairstyles, play with the cut and colour to see what works.
Of course, remember that the texture of your hair is important when choosing a cut, if you have curly or coarse hair, then a smooth style isn’t going to work for you. Fine hair may not have the body for a cut with more volume and the like.

To start with, you upload a photo of yourself with your hair off your face (like the one below)

A little tip – I took this photo myself with my arms stretched forwards, so my shoulder line is not great – it would be worth getting someone else to take your pic, or putting your camera on a timer so you don’t have to do this as it makes the styles slightly harder to judge.
Upload your photo and start trying on the hairstyles of your choice from their celebrity hairstyles database.

Colour isn’t bad – but a fringe would improve things.
Katie Holmes

Here is a style that I’ve sported as one of the versions of bob that I’ve worn in the last year.

What I notice is that the style is fine, the colour is a little red for my complexion.
Jennifer Aniston

Eeuugghhh that colour is horrible on me – all you see is the yellow hair and it’s making my skin look very pink.
Cameron Diaz

Again, the hair is way too yellow for me and is making me look pink.
So I’ve tried again making it an ash blonde which you can see is loads better.

Gwenyth Paltrow

Marginally better, but the hair is still yellow, so that’s the first thing you see.
Reece Witherspoon

A more platinum colour is much better for me, my skin doesn’t look as pink and the hair is less obvious.

Neither the colour nor cut work for me. Notice how you really see the copper tones first? My part line is not where I want people to focus.
Also, This long straight style just further elongates my already longer face.
Sandra Bullock

Marginally better colour, horrible cut on me too. Still too much auburn in the hair for me.
Vanessa Hugdens

A much better colour for me don’t you think? A fringe is also something that works better on me than not having one, as I’ve got a high forehead that shines like a beacon.
Victoria Posh Spice Beckham

I was quite surprised that his super short cut didn’t look completely hideous on me (let me tell you, the Halle Berry one did!). It feels like that I need a bit more hair for the size of my face, and would probably want more makeup than I generally wear day to day to feel more feminine.
Keira Knightley

Then you can change the hair colour, also add highlights and lowlights.

Even with a better hair colour, this style is too short for me, because I have a longer chin, I need some hair that comes around it. It feels too boyish.

Oh gosh what a hoot. You are so pretty, with a lovely, engaging smile. I like Vanessa H. on you best! What a great feature. Those yellow tones look horrible don't they?
Oh by the way, I am viewing these on IE latest version 8 I think.
That is too funny! I see the images fine.
Hilarious! You are such a sport!
I have to confess I like you as Posh Spice, but maybe with just a bit more hair on the forehead …
These are hilarious, but I'm with Tiffany that you make a pretty good Posh Spice!
You are lucky to have such a delicate face; I think you could handle super-short without losing your feminine wiles.
With your current cut I go right to your eyes and smile, and with your current color all I notice is your perfect skin, so I don't think you need to rush to fix things that ain't broke!
That looks like fun! Will have to give this a try when I have some spare time.
The last one isn't Natalie Portman's hair, it's Brit Keira Knightley.