Where do you get the inspiration for your personal style from?
In this video Jill Chivers of 16 Style Types and I discuss the idea of style inspiration. As the inimitable Dolly Parton (one of the most authentic people around) says:
“Know who you are, and do it on purpose”

What Inspires Your Style?
Thinking about Dolly Parton who talks openly about how the town trollop inspired her style as she saw it as glamorous. She has a very consistent style that works brilliantly as her personal brand image and makes her instantly recognizable.
Dolly is a great example of someone, as the lovely and sadly no longer with us, Brenda Kinsel said:
“Dresses for the special occasion that is life”.
Rather than holding on to clothes for “good” occasions (whenever they may be) which means these clothes hardly get worn. Instead, wear your good clothes every day. Brenda was well known for pairing a glamorous jacket with a pair of jeans and sneakers to dress down something she could wear to a special event.
Remember that your clothes are like milk, they go out of date and you want to get wear out of them before this happens. Rather than holding onto them for a fantasy life (which we talked about here), that may never happen.
If you have points of inspiration, influencers, celebrities, bloggers etc. Who or what inspires you and your style?
Jill is currently getting inspiration from Netflix TV series, and she’s finding that it keeps her excited about her style which is already well defined and always includes leopard print and one of 5 colours.
My style is not always inspired by clothing, it’s also inspired by interior design, art, architecture, and nature, taking design elements from these external to fashion-style and bringing them to my style. In fact, this top is a piece of art – it’s a Picasso painting!
In our Your Type of Style program, we talk about looking beyond fashion to find your own signature style elements and how to take that artwork, teapot collection or artwork and turn that into a definable personal style (and the Your Type of Style program is currently open – only once a year in August as it’s a 12 month program that kicks off 1 September – find out more here if you’d like to discover more about how you can apply your personality type to your style to create an even more authentic style.
Dolly Parton Discusses The Evolution of Her Personal Style

Great inspiration! And, loved noticing that each of you have an exotic bird at your right shoulder in the side-by-side videos – fun to see them and see the difference in styles there, too!