I’m happy to be sharing the Stylish Thoughts of mid-life East Midlands UK blogger Stephanie C of Priceless Life of Mine. Please do go and check out her blog.
What is the secret to great style?
I think the secret is dress for your shape, and wear whatever you like and whatever makes you happy. Doing so will make you comfortable in your own skin and then confidence will follow. Follows trends, don’t follow trends, it really doesn’t matter, just do you!

What is the one thing you would spend a lot of money on?
I’d spend a lot of money on a Chanel handbag if I had it. Sadly right now it’s just a dream!
What is the one thing you wouldn’t spend a lot of money on?
I don’t and won’t spend a lot of money on underwear. I know some women do and that’s great, personally, I don’t want to spend huge amounts on garments that are not on show. I rather spend it on something else.
What are your top tips for looking stylish when travelling?
Comfort is key. I have to be comfortable when I’m travelling and I feel the ‘getting there’ is all part of the holiday. I like to plan my outfit beforehand, I’ll keep it casual but still stylish. Top tips include wearing flats in the footwear department and layering is important. Take a large tote big enough to carry a magazine, makeup, water and has space for those layers when you strip off! Also, take a small pashmina, those planes can get chilly!
What’s the secret to looking polished?
Good makeup and clean, tidy nails. If polished, NO chips.
What is your current obsession?
Off the shoulder tops. I like my shoulders so why not show off your good bits. Oh, I’m a bit in love with dresses too.
Who inspires you?
I can’t say, one particular person, as I get a lot of inspiration from the people I follow on Instagram at the moment. At 49 I think my sense of style is the best it’s ever been, I’m no fashion guru, I just know what I like now, even more than in my twenties and thirties and I think a lot of that has come from blogging and Instagram. I love seeing what woman my age are buying and wearing, and the young ones too. I’ve bought a lot of items that people have shared or linked. I think its great for that.
What’s your secret to making yourself stand out?
Confidence (even if you’re faking it) and a smile go a long way.
What are your favourite websites
I like Zara, Asos and H&M although I don’t tend to order much online, I prefer to go in to store.
How would you describe your personal style?
I think my style is quite classic with a little snippet of trend thrown in. I don’t like to buy items that will be in fashion for five minutes, that’s wasting money in my book as I’ll never wear it again. I’d rather buy pieces that stand the test of time and I can get plenty of wear out of. I prefer to add a trend item in the way of shoes, bags or jewellery.

SHE’s so right on ! Loved the secrets of looking polished. So true.