We all wear it – underwear that is (well most of us do anyway 😉 ) so what does your underwear say about you?
Did you know that your personality influences what you wear under your clothes?
What Does Your Underwear Say About Your Personality?
“I need to be comfortable” Relaxed

- Go for cotton based and practical, the boy leg, the soft cup bra.
“I like to feel alluring” Feminine/Alluring
- Lacy and matching sets are your way to express yourself.
“I’m organised and efficient” Classic
- Microfibre sets in nude or black (depending what you’re wearing), seam free so that we just don’t see the underwear at all. You don’t show bra straps, you like your underwear not to be a feature of what you’re wearing.
“I like to feel pretty” Feminine/Elegant Chic
- Soft lace, silk and the french knicker add a softly feminine twist to what’s under your clothes.
“Let me express myself” Creative/Dramatic
- Coloured, funky, patterned – you dance to your own tune.
“I want to look smooth” Classic/Elegant Chic
- Shapewear is regularly under your clothes give you a smooth line that hides any lumps or bumps. Your underwear is there to make your clothes look as fabulous as possible.
“I’m wearing underwear” Relaxed
- Yes you’re practical and can’t see the point in bothering about matching underwear. You’ll just wear whatever comes to hand. Likely you’ll be wearing cotton undies and a fairly plain but practical bra in a neutral colour.
Now if you’re underwear is old and tatty, you may have gotten too relaxed and comfortable. It wear’s out. Do go buy some more!
So what does your underwear say about you? Which part of your personality chooses your underwear? For me, it’s mostly my classic side, with a bit of creative/dramatic thrown in. Am I revealling too much?
How to Store Your Underwear – the Konmarie Way