Today’s guest blogger is Sally McGraw – Already Pretty from Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
What is the secret to great style?
I see cultivating great style as a three-part process:
1. Learning to love and accept your body, just as it is
2. Learning to dress your body in a way that aligns with your personal figure flattery priorities
3. Learning to dress your body in a way that expresses your creativity and tastes
What is the one thing you would spend a lot of money on?
Shoes. Always shoes.
What is the one thing you wouldn’t spend a lot of money on?
Tees. I ruin them in milliseconds.
What are your top tips for looking stylish when traveling?
Make sure to try on every single outfit you plan to wear BEFORE packing it. No surprises!
How do you balance new trends with a more timeless look?
I’m more likely to indulge on trendy accessories, which generally pair well with clean, classic clothing.
What is your current obsession?
Boots. I already own more pairs than I’d care to confess, but I am continually hunting for more!
Who inspires you?
My fellow bloggers. I am constantly amazed by their creativity, chic, and kindness.
What’s not worth the money?
A status handbag. If you’re going to plunk down a huge amount of money for a bag, do it on a classic, well-made one that you’ll carry for 10+ years.
What’s your secret to making yourself stand out?
Color. You’d be amazed how much of the world voluntarily chooses to clothe itself in black and gray.
The one piece of advice most women need but don’t get?
Don’t worry about dressing to look thin, tall, and young. Worry about dressing to look radiant, confident, and perfectly yourself.
Sally your a gal after my own heart in so many ways, you're an inspiraton to me. I don't get why some pay so much for a status bag. I think some sort after big name bags are ugyly. There I said it. I take hours to pack, because I do try on every outfit before it hits the suitcase. My weight is ever changing and this is the only way I'll know I will look good. Couldn't agree more about using colour to stand out. I discovered this and I'm having so much fun. Walking around town yesterday I received a lot of looks. I know my colours and style suited me, it must have been because I wore colour. Now I'm thinking, if people don't look I will have to consider what I did wrong. Happy boot shopping. Jeanie
I love the tip about colour. I have been tending to move more to grey lately for work. need to colour it up a bit!
Thanks for letting me post, Imogen, and thanks ladies for your lovely comments!