Aging most commonly is seen as negative and gets a really bad rap. We usually don’t see aging as a positive word, yet so many great things come with age.
I love that as an adult I get to make so many choices about how I live my life. Aging has given me more experience and wisdom, morecontentment and confidence. To me there are so many great aspects of aging.
Rather than thinking about aging as something we don’t want to do, re-frame it in the positive, using positive language instead.

Evolve don’t age!
Aging is a privilege denied to many who die young from accident or illness. It’s a wonderful thing to be able to grow older (gracefully or not).
When we evolve, we think about growing rather than decaying (which is often the thought we have with aging). I certainly know that the older I get, the happier I am, the more I’m happy in my own body, with my decisions and think much less about if my friends/family/others would approve or disapprove. It’s about what I like, what makes me happy. Life is short and I want to spend the time I have left happy.
What are the benefits you’ve found that have come with agein your life?

Hi Imogen,
I’ve been enjoying your blog, and definitely like the idea of evolving 😀
Just a query – I signed up for your mailing list via the hello bar above, but did not get a download of your ebook. Am I doing something wrong? All the bar said was thank you…with no instructions and no download. I did it twice (you will need to knock out my second attempt on your mailing list – sorry about that) but both times no download. Thanks for your help.
Check your spam folder as it should be sent to you automatically!
I’ve just checked, but alas no download/s.
Me too… 🙁
I’ve lately been catching and sidetracking any negative thoughts with a little mantra, “I radiate positivity,” and I think I’ll rework it to include the word evolve. Thank you! 🙂
Love it Leah!
Sounds cliche, but wisdom!! I’m 58 and have never enjoyed life more than now. With wisdom comes knowing myself, the ability to make sound decisions, a full and rich appreciation of life, and deep peace. It’s truly lovely.
I love this post, Imogen! I’m about to turn 54 & I definitely feel that one of the best parts of growing older is the self acceptance & confidence that age brings.
i am evolved and i am still evolving…loving myself and being me.
I’m going to turn 53 tomorrow. I’m older, but also wiser and have more self assurance. I have also learned not to sweat the small stuff and focus my attention on what really matters in life.
Great life lessons!