Unleash Your Personal Brand by Levelling Up Your Style

So you have more influence and impact

Are you ready to close the gaps you have in your personal brand image?

Want to figure out if Level Up In Style is right for you?

Book a time to chat with Imogen and receive a social media profile audit free!

Hi, I’m Imogen Lamport, a globally award-winning image consultant and personal stylist.

With over 19 years of experience and as an internationally certified image professional I’ve worked with thousands of clients of all ages and stages of life who have shared with me their pain and struggles with their style.

How what they want is to express their true and authentic brand image.  Their personal brand image comes from the inside out and is not a 2nd rate copy of someone else’s.

A style is an outward expression of personality and values so that they can present their best self through their clothing and image.

And this is what I love to teach and motivates me each day to help more women create a personal brand image that expresses their expertise so that they become the influential and most credible go-to person in their industry.

You have style!  It’s like a diamond, you just need to make the right cuts so it sparkles!