Signing up for your 31 day challenge was the best thing I’ve done for myself in quite some time. I was shy at first, but soon looked forward to pulling together an outfit and share with the other Evolvers. This challenge inspired me to get out of my day to day routine, try new color combinations and wear items I had and was drawn too but not confident enough to wear. By paying attention to what I liked and didn’t like, I was able to figure out my style. I now look forward to picking out an outfit rather than just grabbing something and getting dressed. I feel more attractive and have more confidence. My husband has complimented me many times and said he likes the new look and confidence.
I can’t thank you enough for this program and for making it affordable. I have now gone through my entire wardrobe and consigned the items that no longer work. I’ve also purchased a few key pieces of clothing to round out my wardrobe.
To me, the best outcome is that I now have the confidence and know-how to window shop with friends and not waste money on items that either don’t work with my existing wardrobe and/or don’t go with my style, just because I happen to like the colors.
Thank you so much.