Unlocking Fashion Freedom: Age and Height Should Never Limit Your Style

Do you ever feel limited by your age or height when it comes to fashion? Age and height are just numbers, not fashion sentences. While the fashion industry might skew towards the younger and taller demographic, there’s no rule stating that age dictates your style choices. So, let’s banish the notion that you’re confined to…

How to be stylish - the elements of style

S is for Style

What is style?  Most of the people I see want to have style and look stylish – yet they will all dress differently.  Style is not about a particular look, but the way you put together your clothing and accessories that suits your unique personality. Style is the best expression of you. Click To Tweet…

Woman wearing white denim jacket and purple top

9 Essential Steps for a Successful Wardrobe Transition

Not just the bi-annual wardrobe transitions from summer to winter and back again. What do you do when your wardrobe needs a major overhaul? Where to start? You first need to define your personal style. Watch the video and discover how to transition your wardrobe to one that works for you, your lifestyle and personal…

8 Tips for Finding Your Signature Style

Reader Question: My biggest style challenge is finding my signature style. Despite my creative, rebellious nature, I tend to gravitate towards very basic clothing (although I’m partial to graphic tees, Converse sneakers, and my motorcycle jacket). I am trying to move up in the corporation I work at. I’ve been investing in some work clothing…