Unlocking Fashion Freedom: Age and Height Should Never Limit Your Style

Do you ever feel limited by your age or height when it comes to fashion? Age and height are just numbers, not fashion sentences. While the fashion industry might skew towards the younger and taller demographic, there’s no rule stating that age dictates your style choices. So, let’s banish the notion that you’re confined to…

Ditch the Dressing Room Drama: Discover How to Shop Smarter When Fit’s an Issue

Have you ever felt like your wardrobe is a puzzle, with pieces that don’t quite fit together? Or perhaps, despite your best efforts, finding clothes that truly complement your unique shape and style feels like a Herculean task? You’re not alone. Like many intelligent, professional and more mature (cough cough) women, I too have faced…

Tips for creating a versatile wardrobe

The Art of Versatility in Fashion: Colour, Coordination, and Confidence

Have you ever stood in front of your wardrobe, feeling overwhelmed by the plethora of choices yet struggling to piece together an outfit that resonates with your style? If so, you’re not alone. Many of us face this sartorial challenge, but fear not, for the secret to creating a versatile and cohesive wardrobe might be…

Fashion Simplified: Discover the Power of a Personal Colour Palette

Fashion Simplified: Discover the Power of a Personal Colour Palette

Embracing the Art of Simplicity “Too much choice is actually a bad thing; our brains can’t really cope with too much choice. So, sometimes limiting ourselves to a slightly smaller colour palette makes life easier.” Imogen Lamport Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the myriad of choices in your wardrobe, yet found yourself unable to…

Creating a Wardrobe for Effortless Style in Every Season

Living life on the road with just two suitcases can be a thrilling adventure, but when it comes to maintaining a comfortable yet stylish wardrobe during season changes, the challenge is undeniable. Whether you’re a nomad at heart or simply navigating a limited wardrobe, the key lies in strategic choices and versatile pieces that stand…

What to wear working from home

What to Wear When You Work From Home: The New Virtual Reality

In the ever-changing landscape of our lives, personal style undergoes transformations, reflecting shifts in routines and surroundings. Since 2020, the professional realm has embraced the virtual, and the challenge of maintaining a stylish yet comfortable wardrobe has become a shared experience. Recognizing changes in lifestyle and work climate is crucial. It’s more than adapting to…

Selecting the right value contrast in prints for you

From Overwhelmed to Outstanding: Navigating the Maze of Choosing Prints in Your Best Value Contrast

A Guide to Mastering Value Contrast Have you ever been drawn to a stunning pattern, only to find that it somehow overwhelms your look, rather than enhancing it? What I’ve learned over the past 20 years working with clients doing personal colour analysis and finding the best ways of putting each individual client’s colours together,…

The Personal Stylist’s Arsenal: Leveraging Science to Revolutionize Your Wardrobe

The Personal Stylist’s Arsenal: Leveraging Science to Revolutionise Your Wardrobe

The concept of possessing an inherent sense of style has often felt elusive to many, myself included. The elusive “style gene” seems out of reach for some of us. However, through my personal style journey, I’ve come to realize that style is not an inherent trait; it’s a science that can be learned. If you…

Dressing for You: Expert Advice on Navigating Fashion Confusion

Understanding Your Personal Style – Is  Your Style Your Own or Someone Else’s? Have you ever stood in front of your closet, surrounded by heaps of clothes, yet still unsure of what truly reflects your personal style? You find yourself second-guessing whether your choices are genuinely yours or merely a reflection of others’ expectations. Well,…

How Your Clothes Impact Your Confidence Unveiling the Power of Personal Style - personal style can transform your life

How Your Clothes Impact Your Confidence: Unveiling the Power of Personal Style

Imagine if your wardrobe could speak for you without uttering a single word. What would it say about your personality, beliefs, and aspirations? As a seasoned personal stylist and color consultant, I’ve come to understand that our clothing choices have a profound impact on our self-confidence and how we are perceived by others. Watch the…

How to find your style at any age - particuarly after retirement

Finding Your Style at Any Age: A Guide to Dressing Sharp and Feeling Confident

As we journey through life, our bodies and circumstances change, and sometimes so does our sense of style. I recently had the privilege of hearing from a woman who shared her story of struggle and transformation.  A retired former administrator found herself facing the daunting task of rediscovering her style after battling breast cancer and…

Chaos to Confidence: 4 Steps to Mastering Your Personal Style

Picture this: you’re a multitasking woman, managing both your family and your career. You stand before your overflowing wardrobe, feeling overwhelmed by choices, and think, “I have nothing to wear that’s comfortable and suitable for work and play.” This scenario resonates with many women who find themselves pulled in multiple directions. It’s not just about…

Mixing levels of refinement to create a smart casual outfit

How to Look Smart Without Being Too Formal or Feeling Overdressed

Have you ever faced the dilemma of wanting to look smart and put-together without crossing the line into overly formal territory? It’s a common concern, and striking the right balance can make all the difference in how you present yourself. So, how do you master the art of looking polished and stylish without feeling like…

The Art of Seasonal Wardrobe Auditing: Embrace the Change

As the seasons transition, so should your wardrobe. Whether you’re in the northern hemisphere preparing for the cozy embrace of autumn or in the southern hemisphere, like Australia, eagerly stepping into the vibrant world of spring and summer, auditing your wardrobe is a ritual that can revitalize your style and declutter your life. We’ll explore…

Draw attention to your face using focal points by glasses and jewellery

Redirecting Focus: Clever Ways to Embrace Your Style Confidently

Have you ever stood in front of your closet, staring at your reflection, wondering how to cleverly draw attention away from those areas you’d prefer to camouflage? We’ve all been there! In a world where self-confidence is your best accessory, embracing your unique features is essential. So, how can you effortlessly redirect focus and elevate…