Your Ultimate Flat Shoe Wardrobe and Where to Find Those Elusive Perfect Shoes

When you think about your shoe wardrobe what’s inside?  Depending on where you live, your lifestyle, the climate, work dress codes, and of course personal preferences there are so many different considerations you need to make to have a shoe wardrobe that works for every aspect of your life. This post gives you some things…

How to Create Your Own Figure Flattery Guidelines with the Body Equation

How to Create Your Own Figure Flattery Guidelines with the Body Equation

Reader Question: How do I create my own figure flattery guidelines when I have to take into consideration my body shape, my body proportions and my body variations? This is what I call the body equation and here are tips on how you can put together your own set of personalised guidelines, as you are…

What colours to wear with leopard print

What Colours To Wear With Leopard Print For Everyday?

What is Leopard Print? Leopards are large jungle cats known for their distinctive spotted coats. Most leopards have warm, golden tan coats with black spots. These spots are actually black rosettes with light brown spots in the middle. This combination of basic neutral colors, black and brown in densely packed rosettes tricks the eye into…

transitioning to skirts and dresses

5 Tips for Wearing More Dresses and Skirts When You are a Pants Person

Transitioning To Dresses And Skirts When You Always Wear Trousers And Tops Reader Question: I would really love to wear more dresses and skirts, something more feminine in the way of clothing.  I mostly wear trousers and mid-length tops because I’m overweight so I’m inclined to be self-conscious of wearing something different. I find it…

How to Make a Classic and Traditional Outfit

How to Make a Classic and Structured Outfit Softer and More Alluring

Today I am answering a question about how to incorporate feminine elements to a classy outfit.  When we think about classic style, we’re talking about conservative and traditional items of clothing. Classic style comes from traditional men’s businesswear.  It’s all about the Yang – smooth, crisp, straight and structured elements. A straight vertical line, opaque fabrics…

choosing a column of colour for your body shape

The Impact of a Summer Tan, Choosing the Best Colour for Your Shoes, and Selecting the Most Flattering Column of Colour

Do you wonder if getting a tan will change your colour palette?  I know it’s a question on many women’s minds as it’s one of my frequently asked colour questions.   Plus what should you match your shoes to in your outfit?  Your hair, your clothes and accessory?  What are the choices? And finally, in the…

changing hair colour changes palettes

How Does Changing Hair Colour Impact on Your Colour Palette?

Does Changing Your Hair Colour Change Your Colour Palette? Reader Question: How does your hair colour affect your palette. For example, if I was to return to my natural dark strawberry blonde/reddy brown colour, would that make me a different palette. I understand that it would affect my contrast but would it mean that I…


Would You Love Practical and Stylish Outfits Yet Feel You Need to Change Outfits Several Times a Day? 

Maybe there’s a better way… How to find the right balance of practical clothing that work from general household chores to running to the shops. Reader Question – How do I find the right balance of clothing for my varied life? From home cleaning and yard maintenance to going out to the shops. I like…
