Meet Imogen Lamport AICI CIP

I believe every woman can be stylish when she has the right information and tools that take into account who she is, and how she wants to be perceived.

Hi, I’m Imogen Lamport and I help intelligent women define their style and have a wardrobe full of clothes they love to wear.

My passion is demystifying the science and art of style and empowering you to express your style from the inside out. 

I’m known for my insightful expertise on all aspects of colour and style (and particularly how your personality influences all your style choices).


Imogen Lamport - personal stylist, helping women discover their style
  • Do you struggle with knowing which colours work best on you now?
  • Do you find shopping for clothes a real hit and miss affair as you’re just not sure what really suits you?
  • Do you dream of feeling fabulous in every outfit you put on?
  • Do you have a wardrobe full of clothes but nothing to wear?

I did too!  That’s why I created my personal colour and styling programs so that I could help women who felt lost with their style and wanted a knowledgeable guiding hand to help them cut through the fashion fluff and get straight to their core.

Growing up I didn’t have any style mentors.  I wasn’t born with style. 

I clearly remember when I was 15 going shopping with a friend after school in a major departments store.  We both picked up the same latest fashion dress, in the same size, and took it into the changerooms.  She came out of her changeroom and looked fabulous.  Me, I was too embarrassed to let her see me in the dress as I remember clearly thinking “I look like the side of a house, how is it she looks so great?  There must be something about my body shape that this style of dress doesn’t work on”.

This moment started me off on my style journey, to understand the “why” of style.

A short while later, I was wearing out my new mustard top, height of fashion at that time, and people kept asking me if I was feeling OK, as if I was sick.    I realised that it must be the colour as I’d recently read the book Colour me Beautiful – one of the early guides to personal colour analysis and this mustard was not in the recommendations for my winter palette!  It convinced me that colour really does matter.

At this time I was sewing most of my clothes and I’d save my small babysitting earnings and head down to the local fabric store, keen to buy a new pattern and some fabric (usually from the remnant bin) and then spend hours and hours crafting a new garment, only to discover that I did not look gorgeous like the woman in the photo on the front of the pattern did.

I  had a few hits and many more misses as I gradually started figuring out which shapes and styles suited my individual figure and which I should avoid like the plague.

From my teenage years through my 20s to my early 30s I read fashion magazines and tried their recommendations on what to wear, sadly looking back, mostly unsuccessful.

It was in my early 30s when my son (now all grown up) was a tiny baby that I stumbled across image consulting as a career.  An actual profession you could get training, to learn the WHYs and HOWs of colour and style.

 It was my Eureka moment. 

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I’d finally found the answers to what I’d been looking for.

I immediately took the best personal stylist training I could find to start me on this new path.

When learned about what suited me, and all the other body shapes and colouring I was so excited.  I wanted to share it with other women. To help them feel as empowered with regards to their style as I finally did.

But I’ve never stopped learning and improving my style knowledge.  In fact, I’ve learned something from every single of the 5000+ women I’ve worked with since I started out all those years ago.

As every woman is unique, she has her own personality, her particular colouring and body.

I have learned to help her not dress in a cookie-cutter way, but instead to help her find who she is at her inner core, and express that on her outside through her image in a way that makes her feel like the best version of herself.

This is so empowering.

“When I look like the best version of me, I also feel like the best version of me! When my style harmonizes with the real me, I have confidence and freedom to be who I am, and can focus on moving forward with my life.”  Emily Vakkilainen

My clients tell me that they feel so much better about their style.

They tell me that the knowledge they have gained about their colours and styles that suit their unique being gives them a sense of freedom.

They tell me that they are saving a ton of money as they are no longer wasting money on all the wrong clothes.

They tell me that they wish they had come to me earlier as the confidence they now feel about their style has a positive effect on their whole life.

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Jane Seaman to Imogen Lamport on Facebook Thank you Imogen Lamport for helping me re-discover my style. I am a fellow image consultant and current international president of AICI. Recently I had relocated and this impacted my lifestyle, future career aspects and was paired with the prospects of soon to be sixty! I found myself struggling with my personal style, so I turned to Imogen who I have long respected and always enjoyed her down to earth blogs. Best decision I made, through a process of thoughtful questions Imogen helped me discover exactly what it was I want my clothes to say I feel confident, sassy, yet age appropriate and my closet now truly represents my lifestyle, environment and most importantly my inner self. Thank you again. You are a very special image professional.
Facebook Testimonial - Imogen, I can't thank you enough for this wonderful program. I gave myself the gift of 7 steps to style progrma for my birthday last year. It has been gift I have had in years! I was newly rertired and feeling frumpy. Shopping was no longer fun, as nothing I tried looked good. I was trying to use the colours and fashion rules that had worked for me in the past, but my lifestyle, body and coloring were changing. This prograam has helped me to see that there wasnt anything wrong with me, I just needed a new perspective. By evaluating my current wardrobe, lifestyle, personality, coloring and body shape. I am on the way to loving how I look todat. I love the ongoing blog posts and look forward to the tips and info from the wonderful Facebook group.

I’m an innovator and leader in the industry and have created the Absolute Colour System of 18 tonal colour directions which is now used by consultants around the world.

I’ve been interviewed by radio, newspapers, magazines and TV programs about image issues and have been featured everywhere from Tatler magazine to the nightly TV news!

My blog, Inside Out Style is regarded as the Encyclopedia of Image Consulting by image consultants and personal stylist trainers around the world, who regularly recommend their clients and students turn to it for advice.

I’m also a certified Psychological Type Practioner and a co-creator of the 16 Style Types, which brings together the relationship of how your personality influences your personal style using your psychological type.

Over the past few years I’ve written and published 4 books on style-related subjects:  The Finishing Touch: perfecting the art of accessorizingNever Short on Style: dressing and finessing the petite frameTravelling Light: learn the art of packing light and co-authored the book Svelte in Style: How to Look and Feel Great While Losing Weight

So why choose me as your personal style guide?

Apart from my decades of experience helping thousands of clients.  I’m also active in the image consulting industry having been President of the Association of Image Consultants International Australia Chapter as well as being a VP on the International AICI Board for 2 terms.

I was awarded by the AICI 2019 Jane Segerstrom Award for my work promoting a positive image in society through my blog and the 16 Style Types.

I’ve also earned the certifications of both Certified Image Consultant and Certified Image Professional through AICI.  That’s what those fancy letters mean after my name!

Plus I’m a highly sought after Image Consultant Trainer and have spoken at image conferences in the USA, Mexico, the Philippines, Malaysia, UK, Australia, and also run image and colour consultant training courses in Thailand, the USA , UK and Australia.

AICI Global Conference 2019 - winning the Jane Segerstrom award for Inside Out style blog
AICI Certified Image Professional Logo

“Becoming more stylish with your help has changed my whole life.  When I look healthy, happy, and successful I am those things. Other people don’t even need to see me. I’m kinder on Facebook when I’m rocking accessories. On a good hair day, I’m better on the phone. When I catch my reflection looking my best, the confidence it gives me helps me feel I have more to offer.”  Valerie Smyth

Your success is important to me.

I’ve spent years honing my knowledge and skills and upskilled myself with image mentors including Brenda Kinsel and Carla Mathis and have attended image consulting educational conferences around the world.

I treat you as an individual

I know that you are not after a “one size fits all” solution (because we all know that means One size fits no one!).  You want your signature colours, your unique body, your values and your personality to be included as integral elements of your personal style guidelines.

It’s my passion in life to help you define your personal style and the powerfully positive impact it can have on your life.

Where to Start?

Here are my tips on navigating Inside Out Style, the encyclopaedia of colour and style.

How I Can Work With You

One-on-One Consultations – colour style, wardrobe and shopping

Online Course: 7 Steps to Style – the complete holistic online colour and style program

Become an Image and Colour Consultant World-leading Training Programs

with Brenda Kinsel at the AICI Conference in Chicago

Plus you can download FREE my 5 Step Formula for a Fabulous Wardrobe on a Budget



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