Fashion Simplified: Discover the Power of a Personal Colour Palette

Fashion Simplified: Discover the Power of a Personal Colour Palette

Embracing the Art of Simplicity “Too much choice is actually a bad thing; our brains can’t really cope with too much choice. So, sometimes limiting ourselves to a slightly smaller colour palette makes life easier.” Imogen Lamport Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the myriad of choices in your wardrobe, yet found yourself unable to…

Is black the only slimming colour to wear

Are Dark Colours and Black the Only Colours to Wear to Look Slimmer?

Reader Question: I have light colouring so light colours work best. So what should you do when you’re overweight and feel that light colours make you look larger.  Black is the most slimming colour, isn’t it? Retailers sell lots of black because it’s easy as they’ll tell you “black goes with everything” (it doesn’t, it’s…